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Am I allowed to write in my Bible?

Is it wrong to write in your Bible?

After all these are the Holy words of the one true God, we aren't to add to them in any way right?

There is nothing wrong with taking notes in your Bible. We are told to meditate on God's Word day and night, to delight in His law, and have His words written on our hearts. I believe that wont happen without deep and constant examination of the Bible and that means taking notes.

"A Bible that is falling apart belongs to someone who isn't." - Charles Spurgeon

There are two reasons why you should start writing in your Bible today

It will help you slow down

The goal of reading the Bible is not just for information, we read for meditation and transformation. We spend time opening our Bibles every day because it is the very word of God. This isn't like every other book, and we should not approach it as such.

By writing notes, underlining and marking up our Bibles we slow down and interact with God's Word in a way that is both honoring to God and edifying for us.

It will help you remember more

Taking notes will not just slow our reading, it will engage our entire mind and body. The act of writing combined with reading will help to cement the truths we encounter.

If you are like me I am in complete amazement when I am around someone who just seems to know the Bible. They quote it with ease, as if they had memorized all of it. I so desire to know God's word in this way.

For that to be so, writing notes and journaling will exponentially multiply my memorization of the text.

Are you convinced yet? No?

Then give it a try and prove me wrong.

Do it for a week and see what happens. Pay attention to how you are interacting with God's word differently and how you will retain what you have read. It will happen.

Now before you write in your Bible take a few minuets and watch this short video as I will give you some pointer how to do this well. I even show you how I take notes.

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